Online marketing is an essential tool to develop your business. You need to focus on top marketing technologies to improve your business and stand out from the crowd. Following five online technologies help you carve a niche in your online marketing strategies.
1. Analytical data mining
Marketing campaigns based on user behavior are effective, provided you concentrate on your targeted customers and improve strategies to attract them to your site. Analytics as a Digital Marketing Strategy provides specific information about the device used (like mobile, laptop and desktop) and helps you target your audience through the optimization of that device.
Event tracing individualizes your customers and you are able to know more about customer needs through specific information gained through newsletter sign ups, video plays or social interactions.
2. Standardizing mobile web
Mobile web is a great Online Marketing Strategy for pulling internet traffic. More than half of web traffic centers around mobile users and you need to take care of the latest promotional tools in mobile platform to improve your site’s traffic.
Good news about mobile traffic is that ad blocking software is rarely found in mobile devices and so most part of your marketing campaigns will meet with success if you optimize your website for mobile use. You have sensors present in the mobiles to enable you to benefit from ultra-specific geographical targeting. It is also easy for you to filter users based on their device type and operating system.
3. Social media ad platforms
Advertising on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram offers a comprehensive web experience. Users of these platforms tend to take information directly that you can use these platforms as effective tools for promoting your products and commercial offerings through communicating with customers. You increase targeted traffic to your site through using these platforms.
4. Re-targetting
You need to target your audience repeatedly to impress them and bring them to your site. Google AD Words helps you that way with their custom ads aimed at the users who have already visited your site. You can combine event tracking features of Google Analytics to create advertisements that are custom made for your customers.
5. Embedding videos
Full motion videos are eye catching and they can be displayed effectively with high bandwidth internet service available today. Videos are media rich and entertain the eyes of the customer. They help increase click through rate than contextual text advertisements or banners do.
All these 5 latest trends in online marketing are intended to improve your digital strategies and increase your ROI. Apply them and see the difference for yourself.